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The “Is Sex Binary?” Debate at MIT, April 17

April 23, 2024, Cambridge, MA. The MIT Free Speech Alliance, MIT’s Students for Open Inquiry, and the Sloan School’s Chapter of the Adam Smith Society hosted an Oxford Union style debate at MIT's Wong Auditorium at 7 p.m. April 17 on the proposition, “That sex is biological and binary and gender identity is no substitute for sex in social policy,” The event was livestreamed and the video is posted at MFSA’s YouTube page, where it already has 8,100 views. A transcript is available there. Debater Holly Lawford-Smith said: “There hasn't been a public event relating to trans issues that I know of where there hasn't been a protest or disruption. I haven't given a talk in the last six years (while working on gender-critical issues) that hasn't required security.”